Love Poem: Keep Focus - the Monchielle Style

Keep Focus - the Monchielle Style

~Keep Focus~

Don't lose sight but trust God
David fought Goliath
Moses his people led
Samson brought temple down
Jesus multitudes fed

Don't lose sight but trust God
Look what Jesus has done
Keep focus and get prize
When you fall just get up
Jesus can help you rise

Don't lose sight but trust God
Devil wants to devour
Always up to his tricks
Never stop keep focus
He knows what makes you tick

Don't lose sight but trust God
With Him you can't go wrong
Don't just talk but do walk
Devil send him away
Don't hear more of his talk.

Dorian Petersen Potter
aka ladydp2000


~ Author's Notes:

The "Monchielle"  is a poetry style  created by Jim T. Henriksen.