Kenya Kenya
Behold our beautiful flag,
The symbol of our patriotism,
The pride of blackness of Kenyans,
The redness of blood for independence,
The green highlands we cherish,
The whiteness of our peace and love
With the shields and arrows to defend
The fabric and kenyanism in us.
Let Kenya be great again,
Let it be the dreams the dreamers dreamed..
Let it be the strongest wonder of love and hope,
The paradise of all kings,
The land of liberty,
The land where our cultures prosper,
And the land free from terror and grieve.
Oh, Kenya! Kenya!
Let Kenya be Kenyan again,
The land of where patriots are free,
The land where equality is cherished,
The land where we mumble in light,
The land free of racism and abuse,
The land that respects human rights,
And the land of opportunity to all.