Kept Here
Hold me while my teardrops fall
Kiss away all of my pain
Never let go of me, keep me in your arms
Just do whatever it takes to keep me sane
Why can't we be together now
What do we have to do
How can I lift myself from this sadness
There seems no other way, but by you
If only you was here to comfort me
I would never feel sorrow ever more
And if on an occasion I did
I know your love would lift me from the floor
You have got enough love inside
To keep me holding on
Just I hope I have the hope in me
To last long enough not to be gone
But whatever the outcome shall be
Just remember all the love deep in my heart
And the times you have kept me alive
And that no matter what, we will never be apart
I wouldn't be kept here for any other reason
Except from the trust inside of our souls
That we will one day be close
And together we will achieve all the hardest goals