Love Poem: Kiss
Eve Roper Avatar
Written by: Eve Roper


The day is gorgeous; hint of flowers scent and love birds music hovers and lingers in the air. A young couple parked beside and out-of-the-way country road, she and her gent sit on the foot rail of his Model T cuddling in a passionate radiance mood. Her heart flutters as she gazes into his' eyes. A flickering flame, like candle spark in her eyes; a never-ending light buried within the wind as it wavers reaching into the sky and pull stars into her heart; a dream. In silent murmur he growls like a lion, as she stirs under his wings. Their kiss continues to feed with the oxygen it so desperately needs for both to survive a delicious passion trance. Never has she tasted such intoxicating lips full of tenderness; as light is put away to be born again filling their lungs with light only the two of them. She leans in and lays her head against his chest once more listen to his heartbeat, love, and calming her crazy heart.
8/26/2021 4. Kiss ''K'' Contest, New Or Old Poetry Contest Sponsored by: Constance La France