Knowing Me Knowing You
Touch me.
Let your fingers caress my spirit.
Touch me.
Let your love complete me.
Touch me.
Stroke my hair with your fingers.
Feel me.
Feel the beating of my heart.
Feel me.
Trace the lines of my face and
gaze into the mirror of my soul.
Make me whole.
Love me.
The seen and unseen.
The visual and the mysterious -
dive in depths of personality,
and emerge breathless from the deep
blue other-worldliness of unity.
Touch me.
Sensually sensuous.
Seductively seductive.
Woo me. Tease me.
Taste me tenaciously
and never let me go.
So touch me .....
Let your fingers caress my complexity.
Touch me.
Let my love complete you.
Let me touch you
stroking your hair with my fingers.
Let me feel you.....
I feel the beating of your heart.
Our senses united
we can surely never part