Love Poem: Kurt Donald Cobain My Idol

Kurt Donald Cobain My Idol

Some of you may know my idol, some of you may not.
His name is Kurt Cobain, and I hate it when people critisize him,
and judge him, or anything, don't talk about him badly.
Some say that he killed himself which is not true.
His wife Courtney Love did it.
She was going to hire this man to do it for 50,000 dollars,
but he didn't think she was serious.
She said "Blow his ****ing head off, and make it look like a suicide."
This man went to go take a lie test, and he passed which means Courtney really said this.
Courtney also lied to the P.I. of Kurt Cobains death case, and it was proven that someone who takes a triple leathal dose could not roll down his sleeve put away the needle and pick the gun up, pull the trigger and shoot it. Someone was also in the house with Kurt when he did this, and they gave him too much, and he tried to stop him, but it was too late, Courtney shot him in the head. I have the video to prove it, please watch the whole thing.
Here's the link: