Love Poem: L.O.V.E
Medo Sarwat Avatar
Written by: Medo Sarwat


Love is an easy word to say
but when it comes to pay
everyone runs away
but that will change today

When you say L i can tell
that your heart fell and waited till
you ran away from your own shell
i can hear the sound of your heart's bell

When you say O i just know
that you'll be with me, that you'll never go
that you'll give me the opportunity, just to show
my only true feelings, they'll never be low

Between your lips, i hear the V
my love is much more than the water in the sea
my love is much more than you'll ever see
we'll stay together, you and me

In the end, i find an E
never think and let our love be
our eyes met and you loved me
our love will stay, forever it will be