La Femme De Tricherie - Monsieur L'Vampyre
LA FEMME de TRICHERIE - Monsieur L'Vampyre
I must confess to nights of indiscreet
but Madam, my intent was having fun,
and now your eyes tell me, as sure they meet,
what you desire is more than love has done;
does not your heart lean to a burning flame
as much as what your life's accustomed to?
For any fool to play this losing game,
they've got to need the bite as much as you;
and so you choose to look so very deep
to raise the heat in me, and make me know
that what you want's a love you will not keep
more than one night of it, and then you go.
Qu'est-ce que vous desirer--I must submit
or all my life I'll be regretting it!
© ron wilson aka Veebdosa the Doylestown Poet