Lady Liberty Speaks
It should be harder,
and perhaps it could,
to not be known
and recognized
and to not find icons of and for gratitude
throughout my everyday.
The forbidden fruit
of Trees for Life and against Death
living in peaceful forests of Good and NotNot Evil,
grows both political trust and mistrust
between brothers and sisters,
parents and children,
grandparents and parents,
Elder religious cultures
and younger secular national-states;
Fruits of our individual
and collective
polyculturally regenerate sources of free nutrition,
domestic and outlying climates of health
rather than too Yang competitive
LeftBrain played-out
Either-Or business as usual,
God made might right
in a long-fat dog eats
and enslaves
and buys and sells,
inferior alien marginalized bitches world,
witches with glitches,
social switches for disloyal snitches.
My issue with being relatively ignored
and taken for granted
by employees and employers,
by parents and our kids,
by leaders and their ideological followers,
is less about being treated like a post-menopausal bitch,
and more about how polyculturally significant
to both history and herstory
have been post-menopausal bitches,
dragging queens.
It is our marginalized wisdom
and sha-woman Creation Stories,
myths and legends,
mythos with logos,
our Sacred Ecology
of which Eden was originally composed
a matriarchal-patriarchal Paradise
special made for everyone
from Virgin Forests
through post-men-o-pausal Bitches,
witches with wicked wisdom,
liberating truths of polycultural Earth intent
more gloriously statuesque than any fading
patriarchal monoculturism.
It could be harder
and even meaner,
and more enslaving
through repressive monocultural anthro-supremacy,
to become known
and celebrated
in icons and ions of dynamic balance,
harmonies of kinder words
for those with embryonic
reweaving collateral of memories
within our Original Tree of Good and NotNot Evil
of and for function-formed crystal-clear resonant harmonies
of fruitful free nutrition
in Eden's Great Transition
for Trees of HealthyLife
and against equating sometimes bitchy RightBrain Yin
with dualdark Death.
It should be easier
to be known by knowing others,
to be loved by loving others,
to be freed by freeing others
to become more egoLeft-ecoRight balanced
by balancing our bicameral Lefts and Rights
with others,
polyculturally grateful,
rather than against others,
with monoculturing
elitest intent.
It should be easier
to be loved
for Bodhisattva Bitches
that we are together
a badge of matriarchal courage
to matriotically embrace optimizing WinWin outcomes
for all Earth's creatures
Yang long and fat
and Yin-bitch small yet resonant.
It could be easier
if Trees of Good and NotNot Evil
did not insist
on being such a Bitch,
and could polyculturally
and polypathically
and polyphonically
and polynomial relationally
intertwine Gaian Hypotheses;
the GoodWitch regenerative words
which sometimes feel and act like witch-hunters
against an Anthro population
still working out important differences
and climate issues
about what is healthy harvest
and what is just plain
monoculturing rape.
Lady Liberty speaks matriotism
to compassion worn-out patriots,
it's not just me
against you.
It should be harder,
and perhaps it could,
to not be known
and recognized
and celebrated as icons of mutual gratitude
throughout our everyday.