Land of Milk and Honey
I've always had satin coated dreams. I always believed blindly in love,
romanticism and such and never wondered what it means.
I wanted romeo to win juliet and applauded his valor in the end. I wanted snow
white to be discovered by her prince and wondered why the witch was so mean.
I loved the of repunzel letting down her golden hair. In an effort to lead her
prince to the love that awaited him there!
So my dreams of love had very little to do with time or place. It was more looks
and space.
It was a dream born when I was a very young girl. So being idealistic is not a bad
trait to have in todays world.
So you don't have to be gorgeous and you don't even need money. All I require
for you to bask in my glow is love and you can share my land of milk and honey.