Last Day
If you knew today was to be your last day
are there things you’d want to say…and do?
Are there people you’d want to talk to
if you knew today is the last day you’d be you?
Is there someone you’d like to thank or apologize to
before the day you die?
Are there people you’d want to say ‘I Love You’ to
at least once…or once more…before you say goodbye?
If there is…if there is someone you’d want to talk to
If there is something you’ve wanted to say..
Why not say while there’s still time?
Why wait till your final day?
There are so many methods to tell someone you love them…
We can’t possibly count all the ways…
I imagine you’d run out of days to say them
before you run out of things to say…
And just think:
If you’ve said all the things you’ve wanted to say
and done all the things you’ve wanted to do…
Imagine the contentment you will feel
If this is the last day…you will be you.