Last Letter To My True Love
If this is it
If you must go
These are my final words
The things I wish for you to know
They are quite simple
They come from my heart
They are what my soul screams out
When we are apart
Our situations complicated
Filled with the life we live
But I meant them all
Every word I could give
I am angry, bitter, and torn
To you I have made myself dead
I know you love me
I know you meant what you said
You could see the big picture
Us together would cause so much pain
It would destroy lives
Would their hurt be worth our gain
Many would judge
Many would say it’s a sin
But they’ve never felt the pull of truest love
This was so much bigger than pleasure and skin
I suffer now in silence
I’ve lost my lover and my best friend
I would have been yours
I would have loved you till the very end
Forever doomed to hear the voice
Saying out reflex I love you too
The truth of the matter is
She’ll never be you
I hope that now that we are apart
You remember just a little of what I saw
You were the most beautiful creature
When I looked at you there wasn’t a single flaw
Your laugh it lightened my mood
Your smile turned bad to a good day
When you had to leave for reality
I really meant don’t go, stay
I miss our conversations
As hand in hand we walked through the wood
The importance of these silent tender moments
I hope you understood
I was in love with you
From the first time we said hello
My heart and soul already knew you
Because of the situation I was determined not to let you know.
The more we hung out
The more we both knew
That day in the woods
You said I’m attracted to you
Loves first kiss
It was soft and sweet
Your earthen eyes
They blew me off my feet
I have loved before
I thought I knew
Any notion of the emotion was blown away
As we lay cuddled on a blanket and you said I love you
Never felt this way before
Most likely never will again
You are without a doubt
The most beautiful place I’ve ever been
The first time we lay as one
I stripped your body bare
From my head the blueprint of heaven
I couldn’t help and stare
The curves of you figure
For only me to see
Never was there such an intimate moment
You were giving yourself to me
I could write
Forever and a day
I could write till fingers blistered
Until I run out of things to say
All of those things are lovely
I speak them true
But the simple reason for my love
Is that you are just you