Last Moments With My Mum
She was thinning 'way-
Her color going gray
While she drowned in sweat:
"Gerald, have you slept?"
Her voice so old,
And gave me the cold.
But how could I sleep
While mum's life could creep...?
I had been crying
Weeping and weeping
Silently for her-
My mother was dying..
I crept from my bed:
No lights; poor and said-
I held her weak hands-
Cold without life's tan:
I heard her breathing-
And my heart craving
For mama's good health.
"But," I asked myself:
"Why must she suffer
Near a weeping son?"
And where was father?
He was dead and gone.
I wept as I thought.
"Return to your cot,
You need a night's sleep."
She spoke, my heart leaped.
"I shall be here until
Death is not fulfilled-
You shall never die
Else I shall ghastly cry."
She pressed me to her heart
And gave me a gent' pat.
"Gerald, please let us sleep
And my son do not weep.
"If I die, then god called
Causing weeds to come forth-
But do pray for my soul,
To rest in haven's hold."
"But mum," I cried. "do stop."
"Son," she continued. «Death
Is inherent to life.
Death comes 'round as we strive."
I wept as i watched her shiver
While her pale lips quivered
As she struggled out, ''Goodbye.''
I took her hands in mine
Feeling them freezing, kind:
-thus ended her earthly stay,
While i still had much to say.....