Last Words Part 1
You were my hero. I thought as long as I had you by my side, I could do anything.
Then slowly I realized I lost myself in the storm. You took over, there was nothing
left of who I use to be. I slowly left everybody that matter to me. I thought you were
more important than anybody. I was willing to give you anything and I did. I gave
you my life. You may not realize it, but I did. I know now that there will never be me
again. I let you use me against myself. I told you my secrets and my fears and
you use them against me. The funny thing is even though all the signs were
there I would not’t believe it. I thought it was everyone else’s fault. I thought you
will never hurt me. I thought you will protect me from everything. You said you love
me and you would not’t let anything happen to me. You said that as long as I
stayed by your side and love you, that nothing bad will ever happen. I did
everything you told me, yet now I know that all you said were lies. I lay here on the
floor bleeding from my wrist. Slowly everything is disappearing. The funny thing is
I don’t believe I’m dying. I believe is just another door closing. My life had been
over long before the blood ever hit the floor. My life was over the moment I let you
take over me. All this now is just the proof to what was already been there. My last
words to you are, did you appreciate the gift I gave you that I never was able to
take back.