Late Night
Into the kingdom.
From the kingdom was I bourne ancestral sailed into the fall of the hemispheres equator. Other earth side I became alive. The table on the fringe.
From the kingdom all my culture my speech unadultured, my faith absolute.
Into the kingdom was I taken lifted airborne did I rise and fall and gently sail above the Thames in cloud.
oh mighty I land, thence a war that had began.
two children to become lovers we played distanced by nowt but the days. And a haze of hedges, fences, walls. Lonely hence thus I alone until.
I pray together I held hands with the love of her and my our kingdom Albion.
kissed we kissed. Love we love. Listen we listened.
fettered by oath to because of the poverty.
Amongst knights and their princes did I train, against the kaffir whom we blamed. Attack now they preached I said laugh instead, this fool feels meek, love, they should not war in the name of the all and that that is above. Wise words from her.
return to
oh into the kingdom did I go, into the kingdom there I roamed. Into the kingdom with all that was kind and brute and love and speech.
This child did roam through into the love of her kingdom, there I did go, into the kingdom I am. In time I am. Oh that I am. Man I am In the kingdom. Hear me times men of man, electricity I speak. Until I go. Now im away and waiting. Holding silenced im praying for her.
split speech wreaking for heavens sakes, im in the kingdom.
I fell for her, she fell for me. In the anarchy.
that was life and of death I say when that arrives,
until then spring, new loves and life for more we both memory our time we hope we dream we think we speak we remember our promises in youth.
friends forever more, no matter how we fall, if we fall. Uplift us again in love my friends.
She knows when the word, I there within, filled love with her our word as words and words the maker makes and doth we wrote, between the love life.
when the holy finds her, there I am stoic im her man, in virgin, Shield, for I am, im hers. From the shelter of her kingdom I return to the dark of the deep, the continent of the beasts. A lion roars.