Love Poem: Lattes and Crisp Croissants - For Titles Contest
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Written by: John Lawless

Lattes and Crisp Croissants - For Titles Contest

Lattes and Crisp Croissants

Lattes and crisp croissants
soft scented hair she flaunts
her signals never clear
beyond confusing
masquerade in whispered tempt
of café musings.

“Just because I said so!”
That’s all you have to know.
Wet heat of love’s fast fading flames
extinguished memories without trace
empty death of barren canyon
catharsis - reflected in the poets face.

John G. Lawless

submitted to TITLES – Poetry Contest

//five titles//
		Just Because I Said So
		Café Musings
		The Poets Face
		Empty death of Barren Canyon