Love Poem: Layman's Lyric
Diane Roy Avatar
Written by: Diane Roy

Layman's Lyric

Layman’s Lyric

I pray you don't perceive me as obtuse.
My purpose is not solely to seduce. 
You could call this as clichéd as it sounds, 
The love I bear you knows no earthly bounds. 

Alas, reciting courtly, pretty prose,
Is frankly not my forte, heaven knows. 
Mere mortal am I to your goddess state, 
I long for your love to become my fate.

It's said, albeit not so very well. 
With fancy phrases I do not excel. 
I can't write like the witty have before, 
Just know you touch me to my very core. 

So, tho' I have not sweet warm words to say, 
Will you perchance accept my love, today?