Le Vacance Pretentieuse: Tipping
Gracious smiles, a waiter waiting.
The service: quite nice actually.
The drinks cool and food sating
My average appetite factually;
Who knew they had coca cola here
In the middle of the desert... odd
Isn’t it? I ordered water and beer
And here arrives our saviour, god
And leader, dressed in a brown
Shirt despite the pre-mentioned
Heat. He never wears a frown,
Even at rush hour not tensioned.
7.30 comes and goes, morning
Or night, we arrive, are seated
And eat. The waiter is fawning
But nice, the food is all treated
And we eat it all up, fulfilled by
A fountain of beverages he will
Provide. Full, we give a goodbye,
And place tips away from the till
So the manager cannot see, risky
Business. But how to divide the
Cost? Calculators grant only frisky
Fractions, I only had a mint tea!