Learn How To Fight Your Blues
Write yourself the silliest song...
when everything seems dark and dull,
and all that can be changed for all;
write and just sing along!
Learn how to fight your blues
with the quickest remedy: think of sunshine,
never of rain; dream of rainbows
over the distant horizon!
For every sad mood that lingerd for too long,
there's a world of surprises waiting in your song!
Most people think that loving themselves
is enough to complete their mission in life,
but I tell you otherwise: love others
more than you love yourself,
and you'll be rewarded in due time:
look at the lives of those great givers!
Learn how to fight your blues,
and there's no way you can lose;
if everything were easy, nobody would complain...
going up-hill is too tough for the weak,
gather your strength and be the first to reap
whatever you deserved and wasn't given!
Write yourself the happiest song,
look up and merrily sing along!