Love Poem: Learning Who I Am
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Written by: Roof Missing

Learning Who I Am

Is wisdom ‘friend of poetry?’ New ‘friends!’ I’d travel far
For wisdom’s sake, but double down and more to grok you are
In truth, new friends within my reach! May mind’s ‘Columbus,’ beach
Itself on unfamiliar shoals, this ship’s waves sing of more
Than shifting sand, than empty colored shells faint eyes adore,
Than muse’s gift owns metered rhyme! May poems buy some time!

A ‘New World’ waits for those who dare to dream our planet’s round,
The treasures of new cultures, tastes that ‘simmer’ often found
In what is new friends’ daily bread! Is ‘boredom’ what gets fed,
(The things that life brings easily)? My pleasure wakes your tongue
And both can more appreciate God’s gifts (the gold unsung).
Oh, let me find more inner truths reflected in your depths!

Long Tooth
August 5th in 2019