Leave Me Alone
Leave me alone, I yelled to the kitten
The almost adult one that stood on my head
It’s four in the morning and where is it written
That I should wake up when you wish to be fed
Leave me alone, I called to his brother
Who walked over me as I struggled to rest
Why don't you leave me and bother another
How can I breathe when you stand on my chest
Leave me alone, I say when I’m eating
Nobody told you to mooch off my plate
You better know as I watch you retreating
That was my food that you carelessly ate
It doesn’t matter that I may be sleeping
Eating or resting or doing a chore
These are my cats and they never stop creeping
Over my dishes and in through my door
Funny to know that whenever they bug me
They like to purr just as loud as they can
They show affection by how they are happy
Knowing I love them as their biggest fan
Leave me alone, is a phrase I am using
Spoken more softly and always in vain
What is the point when I know that I’m losing
Leave me alone is like stopping the rain.
Written and submitted November 12, 2021
To the "Leave Me Alone" poetry contest
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