Leaving For My Own Safety
You are in a rage of huff
Being very strongly gruff
The abruptness in your voice
Is not leaving me a choice
I've been down this road before
Knowing what pain is in store
If i stay with one more chance
You are giving me that glance
Thinking eye contact will be
Weakening me instantly
I have to be strong and not
Let you put pain in my heart
Like you've done time and again
I need my life to begin
Without these torturous days
Your tempers been in the way
Of our happy life together
Thinking back I thought whatever
Came our way we'd work it out
With compassion--you just shout
Screaming words right in my face
That take me to a darker place
Than the brightened one we shared
With love showing we both cared
I have to leave for my own safety
Before all your forcefulness breaks me