Love Poem: Ledger of Love: PART II
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Written by: Edward Wraith

Ledger of Love: PART II

Ledger of Love

In the shadows of the Victorian night,
Where candles flicker with amorous light,
A forbidden love fiercely burns,
In a pounding heart, passion yearns.

Amidst the lace and satin array,
Where masks conceal bygone dismay,
A dance of desire, a lover’s embrace,
In the clandestine rendezvous of covert grace.

Beneath the veil of societal guise,
Two souls entwined, beneath starry skies,
One bound by duty, in wedlock’s chains,
The other longing, for love’s sensuous strains.

In the forlorn shadows, of a fading marriage blight,
A mistress appears, reaching out from the darkest of night.
With warmth and passion, she lights his way,
In her embrace, his troubles sway.

Mistress: “My love, my darling, how do you fare?
With me, cast away your care.
In my bosom, your place is true,
Where our hearts as one, love’s melody anew.”

She listens to his tales with rapt delight,
His humor and labor, she holds in sight. 
She sees his greatness, his worth untold,
In her presence, his spirit takes hold.

Husband: “With you, my dear, I find solace and cheer,
In your presence, my burdens disappear.
Once heavy with sorrow, now I feel light,
My laugh rings out, my soul takes flight.
For in your arms, I feel like me,
A weight lifted, my spirit again free.”

With a soul as pure as the morning dew,
She brings out his best, in all he’ll do.
She comforts his sorrows, his anxieties ease,
In her arms, he finds unburdened release.

Husband: “My love, in your arms I find my peace,
A refuge from the turmoil that will never cease.
With each close of my eyes, I yearn for your touch,
To feel your warmth, I desire so much.”

With a passion that ignites the coldest night,
She loves him fiercely, with all her might.
Her charisma and charm, a beacon bright,
In her love, he finds respite from the relentless plight.

Mistress: “Oh, my dearest, your words, they fill my soul,
With hope and love, they make me whole.
Together, we’ll face whatever may come,
For in your arms, I’ve found my home.”

Husband: “My darling, with you, I see a future bright,
A world where love conquers all, in the bleakest night.
With you by my side, I fear no more,
For our love will endure, forevermore.”

Mistress: “My beloved, your words, they stir my soul,
In your embrace, I find myself whole.
But do you not feel the weight of your past,
The love you’ve left behind, in shadows cast?”

Husband: “My love, the past is but a distant dream,
In your arms, reality’s beauty does gleam.
And as for my children, they’ll be ours to tend,
With love and care, together, we’ll mend.”

Mistress: “My darling, for your children, I’ll take them as my own,
In my arms, they’ll never feel alone.
Together, we’ll build a loving home,
Where laughter and joy will forever roam.”

In the shadows of the past, a love was lost,
But in the light of their future, a new is embossed.
With courage and love, they’ll write their own story,
And build a life filled with love and glory.

In the cold halls of their somber Victorian abode,
A man and wife broken, their heart’s once hallowed code.
She prioritized all, but the love she once knew,
And he, befallen by another, his vows turned askew.

Husband: “My dear, I’ve found solace in another’s arms,
For our love has been plagued by these false idols and societal charms.
Her warmth, her laughter, they ease my pain,
In her embrace, I’ve found true love again”.

Wife: “Why do you linger, why do you stray?
Our children need you, don’t you dare betray!”
——“O husband, your words, they cut like a knife,
For in another’s arms, you’ve found a new life.
I’ve lost myself in this endless pursuit,
And now our love lies in ruins—utter destitute.”

Husband: “My wife, I’m sorry for the pain I’ve wrought,
For the love we’ve lost, and the heart I’ve sought.
But in her arms, I’ve found a love so true,
A love I wish I could have shared with you”.

Wife: “My dear husband, your words, they bring me to tears,
For the love we once shared, all the wasted years. 
Our love’s candle, its burning ember fades,
I’m sorry! I’ve lost myself in this false charade.”

Husband: “Let us part with what’s left of love and grace,
For our hearts can no longer find their place.
Though, with her I’ve found a new start,
I’ll always carry you in my heart”.

In the moonlit gardens, where roses weep,
Two former lovers say goodbye to vows they could not keep,
Beneath the moonbeams, a new love does bloom,
A black rose in the Gothic garden, beyond the tomb.