I don't believe this.....but off I let you go love bird
I treated you badly, furiously and aggitated I was
I a letting you go....enjoy sweet freedom love bird
Go out and feel happy again with your beloved.I never was one
I know how sweet this was at the start, but time
and time again.....you shed those tears of fear
aggreviated freights and pain.No advice was good
Enough to abandon your beloved.Though.......
He always was your worst nightmare.
I have to acclaim that........I have it all that I. deserve
A story of fairy........no one would have thought...
Like Cinderella, a fairytale. You did share feelings with
the beast. Always found pleasure in hurting you
than loving you.Something more of cowardiceness
than heroics
Even if you want out. I'll grunt you an anonement with
Alimony. I wish you lot's of happiness, for those...
moments of sadness, madness to consolidate.
You were that counsellor.....anxiety and fidgeting
no peace with the devil incanate.
It is furthermore obvious that I will never....
Have an enduring punching bag that I had like you.
It feels so cold.........am weak and I deserve it.
Sure......love does hurt love.am out with you...shortly
I've fallen out with you. Fate is un decided true
I only wish you more greater love than evil and
The allegiantbone has left. It now feels like ghost town
everyone has left, that path set for greatness.....
distorted, dragged to the soil, with sheer, paleness
illness, strife, suffering. I believe you deserve better
I will survive.......though solitude is my better half.
I love you but I got to let you go.....this actions.....
Supersede the louder end talk. We promised
till death do us part, but no.......it's better of being
alive and whole than existing with holes and scars.
Love you but..... He deserves you, he treats you better