Love Poem: Leftover You
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Written by: Iris Blade

Leftover You

You broke me and I want you to know that.
You broke me.
What does that feel like?
Regret? Anger?

Did you walk into this with the mindset of ruining me?
Seeing me fall to pieces before your eyes, knowing you were the only one who knew enough to put me back together?
I want you to know it was like that.
But only for a moment.
Then I was told to forget about you, I was told I could find better

And I have

But that didn't matter
Not then
Then was when I thought you made me the happiest I could ever feel. That no one could make me laugh more. 
Don’t you know how limiting that is?
Thank god I was wrong
I was wrong

Every time you had something to say I listened to you and forgot myself because I was tricked into believing your opinion
Meant more.

Just because you said I was beautiful didn’t make me so. I didn’t owe you anything.
Just because you realized who I was didn't make me,

But I forgot that.
I had also forgot that being ignored is worse than being hated.
It gives you more time to think, more time to obsess over what went wrong, more time to place the blame, more time to point fingers.
At me.

And don’t worry
I know
Some of the disaster is my fault and 
I know you are the story behind my cracks.
But I also know
You pushed me past the point of caring.

So yeah I’m lost in the cave of my mind.
But guess what?
I've never been afraid of the dark.

Oh and one last thing I want you to know.
You broke me
But I?
I put myself back together.