Legitimate Love
Legitimate Love
Executed for marrying the illegitimate like Christians
and Soldiers St. Valentine died for someone else’s love
to flourish a convict for his own mellow convictions
His last farewell a letter signed ‘Your Valentine’ is all
that remains from the cross I suppose he melted away
on apart from bitter decadence flowers and chocolate
What a sweet turnaround from persecution
who knows whether one day at supper time
there is enough to eat for everyone when
at last swords might trickle cocoa butter
and poppies bear no grave reminder of the trenches
when crusades and grenades are persuaded to rest in quiet Peace
Until then and while material consumption favours greed
and warfare makes the coffers overflow in plenty for the few
I shall carry the cross to the market have my nails done for the rendezvouz
not impaled in my hands cherish the thorns not crowned on my head
and admit that my overeating of sweet cupidity will deprive unfortunate
others of some basic necessities which could of course be purchased
With a love other
than that expressed with
chocolates and flowers on one day alone