Lesson of the Two Rainbows
A promise stretched across the southern sky
A reminder of the divine holocaust
I gazed in awe at its perfection
My mind leaned forward in foolish interpretation
Yet the meaning was already written
A terrible mistake
I wandered out into the night with a grin
And poured empty potion past my lips
I found an audience of strangers and curled
Swimming ever farther in my madness
A blonde nightingale
Sweetly advertised and in my eye
Lovely, lovely, but to my heart?
I rose to her fancy
And she obliged me to walk with her
I should have bowed low and left
But instead I gave her a perch
In my heart, so foolish
But what of the rainbow
I had forgotten its father
In the morning the clouds curled above
As I delivered the nightingale
My heart fluttered to find again
A rainbow stretching across the southern sky
Pounding in my chest, I ran back to her
I called out in such certainty
The rainbows have told me it is so
But this was my interpretation
I did not heed that which is written
The nightingale would not hear me
The rainbows tell of no new love
They are simple gifts to those who behold
Passion is not needed if the song is true
I longed for someone with whom to share the rainbows
But the love in the rainbows was shared with me