Lessons From the Grave
Sometimes I’ve wondered – and, yes
I’ve pondered,
Wondering about my Grandpa’s lessons…
He was sometimes so kind, others – so wise,
Yet, whenever I think back, my memory goes blank…
Sadly, when he left this life behind –
Even though we all cried and cried…
He took many of those lessons with him, to the grave,
Where they’ll forever be remembered
As the lost, lonely messages in rhythm
With the melancholy of a moment lost,
A moment gone beyond this world, into forever…
Where I’m sure his dreams have been heard,
And, we can know – with assurance,
That his love is counted as the most brilliant
And beautiful … truth that calms and reassures,…
There, in that marvelous place, heaven - where
Even the angels, no doubt, benefit from his message,
A message brought to life by the knowing…
Of One who gentles even the darkest storms,
One who silences the deadliest doom,
One who abides with us… when we feel so alone!
Yes, it was Him, the very best friend…
Who brought my Grandpa so much love,
So much meaning from up above,
Where he is living with the One who taught him…
To give without expectation,
To provide more than he could presume to gain,
To offer love that would forever remain…
His gift to a world who is filled with so much pain,
A world that is flooded by darkness and sorrow,
A world that needs the blessings of a sincere heart,
A world that is wrong, but a world that God’s Son…
Died to save – from the loneliest grave,
From the darkest doom – from the fear so appalling,
From the flames of hell, where the devil keeps calling…
Those who don’t know Him, the answer to every fear,
The reason that hope is here – the love that comes near…
To those who believe and agree…
Like my Grandpa – to be saved by grace,
Saved through faith – saved…
So that all that remains, is a love that promises hearts –
Forever, eternity, always with the One
Who prevents the world from being lost beyond the promise…
Of a love that silences the darkness,
A love that fulfills the heart,
A love that is forever and always…
Alive in the soul who knows Him as Savior…
Jesus, the light, the way, the maker of today and yesterday
The reason that I can cling to the hope that my Grandpa told me of,
The hope of everlasting peace with the One who created me to believe!