Let It Be Forever
Love can last a moment
Just a tiny speck in time
But the memory is so precious
Often captured here in rhyme
Two hearts that beat together
Feel the joy that dwells within
May it last a lifetime
From this moment
Let it begin
Treasure all your memories
But live for the here and now
Let it be forever
May that be your sacred vow
every precious moment together
is a gift preserved in time
Embrace it and hold it dearly
In your heart it is enshrined
Let your life be filled with laughter
And occasionally some tears
May you both go on happily
In love for all your years
Let it be forever
A mantra for each day
To be there for one another
So in love in many ways
May you be the best of partners
The closest and dearest of friends
Living life to the fullest
With a love that never ends