Let Love Live
I think this is the main problem for all of us
We’re told over and over “He isn't the one”
Just a high school fling.
Just another person
Nothing special
I think you've all forgot something though
There IS something special
We’re all unique
We’re all crazy
We’re all beautiful
We all have something to love about ourselves
So don’t you dare tell me he’s not special
Don’t you dare tell me it won’t last
Because all that matters is we try.
Even if your right
Don’t try to say love hurts
It’s the opposite
Love is what makes you smile
Love is what makes us happy
Love is what gets you up after a terrible night
Loss is what hurts
Those are what hurt
The common misconception that love causes these pains
That’s what causes people to have doubts
That’s what makes people leave each other
Because of us
The lie we spread
Stop trying to tear us apart
Let love live.
Let love strive.
It’s all some of us have left.