Let Me Go Away
Let me go away, right now, at the moment.
Don’t wait for a more favorable hour.
I’ll spend a day or two in immense torment,
But we can’t help it; things began to turn sour.
And no-one is guilty. Let’s wave this love aside.
Some day it will die of natural causes.
It’s only a matter of time, so now decide
As I should take new roads and make new choices.
Let this white fog cover our passions and dreams,
And let the curtain go down after the last act,
And let me write my new chapters on quite new themes,
So say goodbye to me tenderly and with tact.
And if my love meant something to you, let me go.
The misty sky will clear in a day or two.
Events will be moving at their own tempo,
Only let me go away though I still love you…