Let My Touch Flourish
Relinquish breath as we reach our s t e e p peak.
Let's bathe within our vessels deep inside
and LET our minds forget to see or speak-
I love you 'neath our sheltered harbor tide.
R e l e a s e your soft desire as I'm gaping,
but gently, please, MY body's so tender-
A light scent, my passion is escaping,
deep in the core of pure delight's splendor.
Before night's dusk, I w i t h e r e d in pains life,
yet when I felt loves TOUCH I did awake-
For you believed I'd be a true mates wife,
your p r e c i o u s heart you promised me to take.
B l e s s e d be us with soft dreams that render-
may our love FLOURISH in sweet s u r r e n d e r.
Ten syllables in each line: *BLESSED*
can be 1 or 2 syllables, I used it as 2
Date Written: August 8, 2016