Let Not Love Take Your Life and Soul
Let not love take your life and soul.
Love should be cherished with no martyr.
Take not a life, find new life to cajole.
One love may be forever, while another may troll.
This may trigger heartbreak, this would be harder,
Let not love take your life and soul.
These days they may think there is a better role.
Especially if they meet a so called charmer,
Take not a life, find new life to cajole.
You may be left without anyone to console.
Though you still have such gracious honor,
Let not love take your life and soul.
You may feel you are lost inside a hole.
You only have to look for new love to conquer.
Take not a life, find new life to cajole.
Take out your lonesomeness for a little stroll.
Forget the past, let not your hate harbor
Let not love take your life and soul.
Take not a life, find new life to cajole.