Let Sun Go
Beams dripped, from the yellow moon
And we did drown in a frenzied dance,
Not dreaming, that dawn would bloom
And wake us from - our mystic trance.
Owls hailed us, with their wild whoops,
And gloom bloomed, our lusty hopes;
With hasty steps, we danced with groups
That measured their steps, on tightropes.
Played Night herons - raspy, croaking calls,
Yet a rooster played, “cock-a-doodle-doo,”
And shadows fainted on - darkened walls,
Alarming us, the trespassing, morning hue.
To love ... a divine lover stopped the sun,
Yet, my love ... I’m simply a mortal one;
Hence, let him come, for that’s his run,
And faster we can run, and dive in fun.
*A 1st Place* in the following contest (judged on Oct. 11, 2020)
Sept. 6, 2020
COMPLETELY YOUR CHOICE (24)any form any theme Poetry Contest
Contest Sponsor: Brian Strand
*5th Place* in the following contest (judged on Oct. 10, 2020)
The night of passion and desire
Contest Sponsor: Faraz Ajmal