Let That Be
Humans screwed up the definition.
Scribes from hell put fire to vellum.
Black ink, settled, in extensive cursive.
Debates became reprobate,
Soiled with a list of conclusions,
Blood spilled like wine,
Smearing all of mankind.
Cattle droves, sacred cows, gather in crowds.
Confusion and chaos, swarms like lit forests.
Fire extinguishers have been banished.
Flames, rise high, in youthful eyes.
Has the definition of love become hate?
Stir that pancake batter
Too soon it becomes callous and flat.
If we’ll only engage each other’s ear,
Agree or disagree with peace...
Differences do exist.
Let that be!
Hinder not kindness, goodness, patience.
Most of all - pursue love.
Let love light up the earth with mirthful glee!
Sometimes war is the path you set under your own two feet…
Kim Rodrigues © 2017