Love Poem: Let Us Get Married
Victor Buhagiar Avatar
Written by: Victor Buhagiar

Let Us Get Married

They sat in love below a willow tree, And from afar, they heard the rumbling sea. He looked at her; green eyes seemed full of tears. He asked what's wrong, afraid he saw some fears. I am afraid, she said. I dare not tell. The vale is vast, and flowers spread their smell. I'm tired, my back aches, and I yearn for figs. I'm hungry, oh, for a plate of spare ribs. He stood and ran towards the sea in haste, And with clothes on, he jumped, feeling abase. The cold sea spray calmed down his tattered thoughts. He loved her and began to dream of cots. He took her in his arms and kissed her sweet, We'll wed and have so many more to greet.
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