Let Us Pray
Let us pray
with soulful lips
from our hearts
to the Spirit Divine;
Let us pray, and let
peaceful solace us
refine: a thirsty mind
quenched only when
remorsefully sipped Christ's
sacrament of sacred wine –
and the bread dipped in,
for the body, without such
transformation, is a ship
gone astray, on a sea
of corrosive brine –
let us pray, and let God
sooth our fears, with
shapes of love and
peaceful contours, raptures
of healing forgiveness –
let us pray, whereby
with Christ's dearness
more our souls securely
align, forsaking the
Devil's enticing satyrs –
restoring blessed light to
a world desperate with shadows –
let us pray, that we trust only
in our Heavenly Father's
guidance when it comes to
man's earth, and all
Life's Spiritual Matters --