Lets Face It
It's said that opposites attract.
Recall how the north pole on one magnet
draws into the south pole of another,
and binds strongly together,
due to the strong attraction force between them.
When the opposite poles apart, get close together,
their fields interact, mutually strengthening
and drawing the other in to bind.
The alignment builds a strong force of attraction and a strong bond.
It's said that opposite types of people attract for many similar reasons.
Excitement of the new and novelty.
Ability to learn from each other.
It's a way to build balance,
filling the gaps in each other's own personality.
There's mutual fascination with the fundamental differences.
But, the face of love is another matter entirely.
For when looking for someone
to love among the sea of faces,
we can't get the image
of ourselves in the mirror
out of our heads.
The face of love is our own.
We complete each other's lines.
Couples are often twin lookalikes.
Let's face it!