Let's Stay Together
Let's stay together for us and for our son
I love you more now then I did before
I need you and I want you in my life
We can take care of each other forever
I don't care how long you have I am still your baby girl and you wife
We been together to long to let it go
You will always be my boo
I cant's stop loving and thinking about you
Let's run away with our son and live our life
We need to be together till the day we die
You are my dream and my soulmaet and I am yours
We have to just keep praying to God that he keeps us together
I will always be there for you when you need me
I love you so much I can't wait to have you in my arms and I will never let you go
I just wish I can see you and hear you voice
Let's Stay Together
Vanessa Brown-Woodberry
For my husband Antwan Woodberry I Love You Baby