Dearest, your appeal so touched my heart
You would fear and tremble now to come
And give me the great Creator's good part
That I cannot merit in mind or mortal thumb.
It is not for me now to tell you who I am
For I must trust the future going onward, we
Are called to go, not knowing cause or country
Humble to yield when the thicket has no lamb.
Love is love and love never goes away, yet
Love may not everyone problem solve, so
He who Jesus loved left him, bitter with regret
For love needs trust when relationships grow.
I do not sudden that trust comes easy now. I
Do not say that love cannot overcome, I mean
It is never to late to wipe the old slate clean
And write with love where once was written lie.
Home demands just one thing from every soul
That respect will rule all passions in its domain
A man's ego is breadth and height within the fold
I would ever flinch to dole it unjustly any pain.
Yet this is how love is known, how much life will
Surrender self that the loved may endure when
Flowers fade under the fickle feet of frazzled men
Until the twelveth of never then, I love you still.
And somwehere long ago a heart still waits to know
Who will walk the beach beside its beat when we
Across the evening sand, follow the sun setting low
Who will bring the laughter back for each memory
O speak, speak, the truth can tame the torrid lie
Humility begs and waits its honor never yielding
Lovers make friends the dangers looming unrepeating
Grace transforms, and we heal surely, by and by.