Letter To My Inner Child
My child I cry when I see you,
your face just points to the wall.
My emotional senses feel you,
Do you now hear my call?
The abuse you suffered when younger,
is past, it's over and gone.
Please forgive the people who hurt you,
Come to terms with all that was wrong.
It was Ok to have felt unhappy,
It was then that you traveled alone.
But now you've grown much older,
you're the best person I have ever known.
Awaken the mind that is within you,
be at peace in your world, that is 'Now',
I know I don't have all the answers,
I can only advise on the how.
Your journey now begins with a footstep,
the way will be hilly, quite tough,
But go this way, be happy,
content you go with my love.