Letting Go
There's a hole in my heart from all the pain
So much infliction, Im confused as to who to blame
All my life I've opened myself up to receive your love
Once I got it swore it was from Heaven above
Wiped our past clean and off we went
But why the pain, was it really meant?
The cycle begins the abuse seems daily
Mentally- Physically inside to the point I can't take it
I gave you my heart when I was to young to Understand
That abuse and mental torture from a loved one can destroy the strongest woman
Even on this day when I feel the pain so fresh
I hold my head high and let my pen bleed to there's none left
God gave me a raw talent to be able to speak how I feel
No drugs can compensate how affective my talent is- stronga than any pill
So with my pain I create self Peace
With all you've done 2 me its the most I can do to say the Least
I forgive you for all you've Done
God made me for a reason- Self proclaimed "I am the One"!