Lies break so much trust
Lies break so much love
Yet lies we tolerate each day
From government and media
We are brought up being spoon fed lies
Yet we accept this because we refuse to buy
Into this believing that these people would not do that
But smaller lies we tell each other that don’t have the same impact
Rip big holes in people’s lives
Causes bitterness, hate and makes us cry
Yet we ignore and accept on a daily basis great big lives
That distract and misinterpret lives
Lies on war, and consumer shit,
Lies about the universe and reality
Lies about history but it don’t upset us one bit
When you should be devastated
Because you believe this existence to be reality
So you accept this life of suffering
You buy into this life of power and greed
And when you’re laying on your deathbed
You’ll realise money don’t mean a thing
It just affected your ability to be happy
And enjoy the love and light
And to see the truth
Which is everything you experienced was a lie
And you were fooled.