Life is an everyday struggle, a struggle that never ends where people die and children cry
and you learn to just pretend. Pretend that you are happy. Pretend that everything is ok.
Pretend that this crap is normal, when you know its not suppose to be this way. They said
God only gives you what you can handle, well I wish he dint trust me so much. Cause eve
been strong for way too long and at this point rim about to bust. Over 10 years i was held
captive in that belly of the beast but that has no comparison to the pain eve endured on
those streets. My precious family dying off 1 by 1, so tragic, so painful i just want to run. I
cant run to my mom God took her to heaven too, since she has been gone i just dolt know
what to do. A piece of me died with her, rim no longer whole...i loved my mom with all my
heart and soul. She wasn't the perfect mother but shes all i knew, mommy if you can hear
me, I love you.Tell Aunt Lisa i love her and im sorry she left this world in so much pain since
shes been gone no one is the same. She didn't deserve to be taken out in that horrific way
but dont worry they are all gonna pay. Life doesn't get any easier, its an everyday struggle,
it never ends...Where people die and children cry and you learn to just pretend.