Life 2
Since we are constantly giving into our lives, we best
be mindful what we give the life we live, because what
we feed our lives will be the life we live; the one that yields
like stalks of corn from the seed we planted into our life.
In being mindful, we give lots of loving care to our lives.
We give far less care to the outside creature comforts of
'Me and Mine', 'Fame and Fortune', 'Pleasure and Prestige'.
We free our lives from the 'over-kill of possessions',
from the massive pursuits of, 'Look at me; I too am a VIP'.
We cherish and nourish the inner life that it may yield
the sweet fruits of selflessness, consideration, and love. We
hunger for the Love of God that enables our love to give back.
O God and lover of our souls, who loves us more than we love ourselves,
May we thirst, not for things and stuff, but for love like yours that gives.