Love Poem: Life
Sarah Bryant Avatar
Written by: Sarah Bryant


The first time our eyes met
We knew, we just knew
Something clicked
We felt it in our hearts
To live our lives together
Sharing hopes and dreams
Together, inseparable
Lovers in love is what we are

We built a life, a happy one 
Said our vows in a holy place
Filled our house with laughter
The patter of tiny feet
Years down the line it sounded more like thunder
Three strapping boys
A dog and two cats
A family is what we are now

Arguments and disagreements
All in plentiful supply
Who will wash the dishes?
Who will walk the dog?
Feed the cats and cook dinner
And do the weekly shop
Squabbles but never with malice
It all works out in the end

Daily life can be a struggle
The house is always a mess
“I didn’t do it!” a familiar moan
Along with “he started it first!” 
Mountains of laundry
A strange amount of odd socks
School uniforms neatly ironed
End up crumpled in a pile behind the bedroom door

Holidays abroad, parties at home
We have a wonderful family and good friends
All the luxuries that hard work brings
We socialise with moody teenagers
Play the “guess what’s wrong game”
Tears and tantrums
Laughter galore
You could say we have it all

The stresses and strains of parenting
Makes us forget who we once were
Lovers in love we still are
Whenever we have time alone
The lust has long gone
But we love each other just the same
Because as soon as our eyes met
We knew life would never be the same