Love Poem: Life After Loss

Life After Loss

Nobody prepares you
For life after a loss.
All the words are the same
But they don't tell you it's hard.
They expect you to know
That waking up is weighed with guilt.

They don't warn you 
About the fear of forgetting.
They don't know what it's like
Moving on with nothing left
To remember the lost by.

Everyone grieves with us
But it may be easier for them.
At least they have 
More to hold onto
Other than a memory.
And while memories are special;
While we lucked out with pictures...

I won't ever get to say:
"It was my sisters" again. 
I can't say, "My mom gave it to me."
Everything that belonged
And all that she gave
Has been lost to the flames.

All I have now
Is a resemblance
That will change 
As I grow older
While they stay 
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