Life and Death
Life and Death
don’t go gently into that good night
fight, fight, fight with all of your might
stay here as long as you can
we really don’t know what awaits us
on the other side
that mysterious event hopefully
is far down the road and many years away
the experience of death awaits us all
we can’t get out of this life alive
and bring some of our good stuff
questions are many but no answers appear
do we have a solid body
or is it see through
are we able to eat a good meal
or do we ever eat or drink again
is there a day and a night or is it always bright
do we dress in clothes
or do we walk around in the nude
that would seem so very rude
will our pets greet us
who have passed
at the rainbow bridge
do we still have sickness or pain
or does that go away like sunshine after the rain
who will greet us on the other side
is it our guardian angel and Jesus
alongside our family and friends
or will it be the devil
standing alongside our family and friends
we will all pass that is foretold in history
death is still a great big mystery
and pass we all will
but I’m not looking forward to that thrill
each and every day we get a little older
death stands patiently at the foot of our bed
to take us away the moment we’re dead
will I see you on the other side
my hope is Jesus greets me with love and open arms
Dennis Davis 77 years old this year
February 12, 2017