Life and the Elements
Where am I to run, when I get afraid,
The moon bursts in a hundred flames when I finaly escape.
Sprinting fast as lightning, falling hard as rain,
Nothing ever seems to help to purify this pain.
A thousand hearts will break, every single day,
Is it bad for me to view the world in such a way?
Plowing through the tundras of our unforgotten past,
Waiting for the sun's bright rays to melt the snow at last.
See I do not appreciate theleaves hiding the ground,
It represents the purest truth that shant ever be found.
If love is what yearn for, you'll have to climb a bit,
For love awaits on top of mountains,on the very tip.
Finding your life's meaning is not an easy task,
But if you follow what you love you'll teaar off lie's great mask.
So keep on trying don't give up i guess and I suppose,
Follow love and you will see life bloom into a rose.