Life Beloving Dualdark Night
Some days and nights
I am terrorized by death,
cold silo ache-echoing fear,
claustrophobic breathless dark
barking inevitable factness and finality
of my decomposing mortality,
of history's posthumous demise,
post-humorous as hell.
What good is death
if it cannot at least invite eternal engagement?
Hopeful enrichment,
even some recreational opportunities
without concomitant health issues
soaring through our DNA regenerate tissues.
On better days and nights
I am merely fearful
that I am already dying apart
by not choosing to live fully together.
For my trauma days and nightmares,
a message from Yin speaks Her Truth,
feels Her fully exhaled trust,
I have earned my sadness
and depression,
my badness
gifts of Fear,
more primordial than mere AnthroPrivileged Anger
about vanities of mind power.
I have earned my rights of anger
about our body-loss predicament,
this anxiety about inevitable body mortality
and unenviable climatic mind loss
Of opportunity to further stretch love of life
cooperative muscles
pleasing myself, just as I am co-passionate,
reincarnating all past sadness and depression
with all our competing terrors
and climate-degenerative repressions
of EarthBody organic health
when we could choose more sublime
panentheistic Times
Gods and Goddesses
of wealthy choice
as Sun sacred light.
Outlined in NotNot = LoseLose EcoSystemic Devolution
reverse dialectic body/mind
WinWin MusEcology
recentering Mythic Tao’s wu wei bodylife
++/(-,-) prime fractal Yang OVER Yin,
CoOperatively re/deGenerating
TransParent NotMind/NotBody NonDual-Dark
climate health/wealth optimizing
Continuous Life-Quality Improvement Trends
predicting tellus polyvegetasty-rhythms,
reiterating deep river-trees
of deep bilateral-neural listening
for future healing polyvagal function.
Well, anyway,
more about that whole Indigenous PreHistory
of AnthroTime
for EarthPlace evolution
as bilaterally double-bound Me/We revolution
co-gravitating equi-valent
salient dipolarity
or after climate death,
depending on whether WeOrganicPeople
are already looking
whispering future bicameral time travels
with more than Yang’s pen '
and right AnthroHand dominant language
Also feelin'
deep darkly yin
our (0)-soul sad and suffering heart
of perpetual empty loneliness
and loss of hopefilled
health-rooted regenerative purpose.
But, back to chronically anxious oppression
and our economic dis-ecological anthro-privileged dissonance
about our self-smothering EarthBody repression
of cooperative,
triple-bottom WinWinWin
healthy poli-economic/ecologic/egonormative
live love lusty
wealthy opportunities.
When I’m sad and depressed,
feeling repressed and or love suppressed,
that’s because I am not crazy
in a too-Yang dominant-deductive consciousness
now co-arising emergent political-economic global networks
of cooperative opportunities
co-echoing-conscious health and therapy vocations
bicameral DNA with dipolar RNA syntax confluent
tipping our two eyes and ears
To hunt and hear
optimal mainframe WinWin Health
and SafeWealth
reproducing Equity CQI Outcomes,
new notnot impossibilities of unhope,
empowered by divesting, starving
Not feeding
and refueling
decomposing LoseLose
AnthroMind/EarthBody climate devolution
AnthroSupremacist Political-Fat
dissonantly, yet transparently,
Yang bipolar mind v Yin holistic body
OverDrafting Earth’s spirit/nature Balance,
defined as love of health outcomes
equitable to resonantly full
DNA/RNA co-passion spectrum
for authentically polycultured healthy life
for wealthy love.
It’s hard to hunt this bicameral balance
when my well-earned sadness
about self and other depression
oppressive repression,
stress of chronic climate dissonance
triggers global autocratic rabid population
DNA-disturbing ectoBody/endoMind symbiotic
co-empathic empowering
and economic enlightened
feedback messages
It’s time to turn increasing HumanPrivilegedNature
rabidity around
to find more cooperative and grace-filled
WinWin healthy gifts and EarthWorship opportunities.
It’s time to find each other
and give full-voiced co-empathic hope.
Hearing voices may be less crazy
and more polypathically functional
than not listening to our own voices
of permacultural and ecological healthy-reasons
for our seasons
of sadness and gladness
as LoseLose AND WinWin
Losing to win neurosystemic “healthy” balance
for Earth, and therefore RNA,
and therefore DNA’s further,
more cooperative
and graceful kinda’ endosymbiotic
positive-trending WinWin,
continuously reiterative positive Beloved
choosing both Internal with External
Ego/EcoCentric Voices.
Speaking of Earth-centric,
Richard Dawkins speaks in my dominant Left mindbody voice
investing systemic, bionic, robotic analogies
for our shared exegetical consciousness
of evolutionary survival
as anthro-logically required,
and, if not continuing evolution,
then how would a robot
trend climatic devolution?
should that become anything
to do with LoseLose hierarchical-monocultural,
so that each EgoPlayer must choose
either Win or Lose
and is prohibited by Ego’s bicamerally self-blinding restraint,
repression, sadness,
suffering LeftBrain dominant environmental nurture,
temporarily blind to double-binding regenerative resonant resolutions
ubiquitously copresent in fractal and double-octave functions and frequencies
of light as energy and sound and feeling and taste and touch…
to always prefer choosing MeWin-to-WeWin,
regenerating-revolving DNA/RNA
double-bound (0)-soul centric
Political mind with economic body
Left-Right bicameral balancing
love wealth as organic health life.
When my mindbody will let me choose
more self-with-other,
wu wei life,
that is choosing love
So it helps to always choose it,
one CoPresent AnthroMoment
within timelessly unfolding
EarthEmbodied grace
of Time.